New Medianers On Board!

2020-12-04T09:23:06+01:00November 25th, 2020|Mediaan news|

We are happy to introduce you to Britt, Stefan, Ramona, and Kelly. Recently, they have joined our Technology and BI teams. Britt, Stefan, and Ramona have recently joined our Technology team as Software Engineers. Two years ago, Kelly was an intern at Mediaan and now she is back as a BI Specialist. Please give [...]

New Medianers Alert!

2020-10-02T08:05:14+01:00Oktober 1st, 2020|Mediaan news|

Please give Silvio, Farzaneh, Remco, Soheila, and Steven a very warm welcome! Soheila and Farzaneh are the new members of our Data Science Department in Heerlen and have joined the team as Data Scientists. Silvio is our new Business Line Manager for the In Control department in Hasselt. Both Remco and Steven are Software Engineers [...]

How To Identify AI Quick Wins For Your Business

2022-08-18T09:48:26+01:00September 30th, 2020|Mediaan blog|

Artificial Intelligence seems to be on everyone's lips. Despite its success, many companies still feel quite intimidated by it. Some struggle to figure out where to start or whether they have sufficient data. So how do you make the jump into the AI pool? Not only do quick wins provide immediate value for your company [...]

It’s A Full House!

2020-09-23T12:23:36+01:00September 23rd, 2020|Mediaan news|

We would like to welcome Bas, Nomi, Maurice, Zhaolin, Micha, Niels, Marcel, and Cedric to the Mediaan family! This month, they started their internship at Mediaan. Bas, Cedric, Nomi and Marcel are the new members of our Software Engineering department. Zhaolin and Micha have recently joined our Data Science department and last but not least [...]

Mediaan Sommerkonferenz 2020

2020-11-04T12:14:48+01:00September 17th, 2020|Mediaan news|

The current global pandemic lays the foundation for the "new normal." Economic changes, social distance, but also positive impulses, e.g. in the area of digitization, are now part of everyday life. Unlike our previous editions, this year, we hosted an online Summerkonferenz through a livestream that covered the following topic: Quo vadis Germany? The crisis [...]

New Colleagues Alert!

2020-06-19T11:24:18+01:00Juni 4th, 2020|Mediaan news|

We are happy to introduce you to our new colleagues! Please meet Maurice, Phillip, and Luuk! Luuk has joined Mediaan as a Medior Software Engineer, he is the new member of our Technology department. Maurice is an experienced Finance Professional who has joined our Financial department in Heerlen.  Last but not least is Phillip [...]

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