It has been just over a year since OpenAI released ChatGPT and set the world abuzz. Not long after, OpenAI brought out another set of new features that once again made headlines in the tech world. One of the most notable releases was GPTs. It’s a feature that gives you a new way to build custom versions of ChatGPT. Another new tool, which is not hosted by OpenAI but has also caused a stir in the tech world, is the Assistants API. It enables users to emulate a similar experience on different platforms. While both tools are aimed at improving the productivity of AI for human tasks, they are not the same. Still puzzled? Let’s delve into the details and highlight their differences!

A quick comparison: GPTs vs. Assistants API

GPTs are customized versions of ChatGPT that can be developed by any user within the ChatGPT interface. These can be adapted to specific business needs and tailored for certain functions, such as providing feedback on creative writing or guidance on technical troubleshooting.

On the other hand, the Assistants API allows you to build assistants directly into your own applications. They are not hosted by OpenAI and require coding for integration. Once integrated, assistants can respond to user queries using tools and files.

What are GPTs?

GPTs, or Generative Pre-trained Transformers, are custom chatbots operating within the ChatGPT platform designed to serve specific purposes. These purposes can range from creating personalized emails for prospects based on uploaded files to helping them run or analyze code. The appeal of GPTs lies in their accessibility and versatility. Unlike traditional programming, building GPTs does not require coding skills, making them accessible to a wide range of users. They are often referred to as “more specialized” versions of ChatGPT because users can customize them with specific instructions, a capability not available in standard ChatGPT beyond the prompts provided.

In essence, GPTs make it easier to create customized chatbots, allowing users with different backgrounds to use their functionality for different tasks without requiring advanced programming knowledge.

However, there are certain limitations to consider for integrating GPTs into business operations:

  • Quality and relevance: The effectiveness and relevance of available applications can vary, requiring a thorough evaluation to identify solutions that align with specific business requirements.

  • Dependency: Reliance on third-party applications may raise concerns regarding customization, scalability, and support, potentially impacting the seamless integration of GPTs into existing business frameworks.

  • Monetization: Currently, there’s no established method to monetize created GPTs, which could pose limitations (US only).

What are Assistants (API)

Assistants are AI-driven tools leverage the power of GPT models to execute specific tasks, such as writing assistance or coding help. Developed outside of OpenAI’s ecosystem, they’re integrated directly into your applications, offering tailored assistance to end-users.

There are, however, certain limitations to consider for integrating Assistants into business operations:

  • Specialization vs. generalization: While Assistants offer specialized assistance, they may not encompass the full spectrum of tasks required by some businesses.

  • Customization: There are restrictions on file uploads for Assistants, limiting extensive data integration for a single company without special requests for limit increases.

  • No fine-tuned models: Custom fine-tuned models cannot be used with Assistants at present.

  • Single API key for an organization: A single API key provides access to all resources (assistants, threads, documents, etc.) within the organization, potentially raising security concerns.

  • DALL-E/Browsing: Certain functionalities like DALL-E and Browsing are not yet enabled for Assistants, which could limit their capabilities in certain contexts.

Which one should you choose?

When deciding between GPTs and the Assistants API, businesses should consider their specific task requirements, customization needs, ease of integration, performance expectations and long-term scalability. For businesses needing versatile AI solutions with extensive customization options and technical resources, GPTs offer flexibility but may require more development effort. Conversely, the Assistants API provides specialized, ready-made solutions with easier integration, suitable for businesses seeking quick deployment and task-focused assistance.

Ultimately, businesses should align their choice with their immediate needs, technical capabilities and long-term AI strategy to optimize the integration of AI capabilities into their operations. Both GPTs and Assistants offer their own set of advantages and limitations, so choose wisely!

Ready to boost your business with AI, but not sure whether to choose between GPTs and the Assistants API? Let us help! Our team is here to provide expert advice, ensuring you select the perfect solution to fit your business needs.

This blog is written in collaboration with Roel van Reij – a Data Scientist and AI expert at Mediaan Conclusion.