Introduction to Agile Working

2022-03-25T17:14:29+01:00oktober 27th, 2021|Mediaan blog|

Almost everyone and every company is talking about agile working. Often you hear the word “agile” being thrown around, without people even realizing its actual meaning. Fair enough, people love buzzwords — they help make you part of the conversation. However, let's not jump straight on the bandwagon here! Instead, let's find out what [...]

Computer Vision: Improving Your AI

2023-10-19T10:39:35+01:00september 23rd, 2021|Mediaan blog|

Welcome to the 4th and final step on how to start using Computer Vision! Previously, we highlighted the benefits of deploying and running a Computer Vision model. We also explained the process of automating human inputs & decisions with our  “Observing>Influencing>Acting” cycle, which we presented in one half of a double feedback loop. In this [...]

Detecting Suspicious Activities Using Computer Vision

2023-10-19T10:41:58+01:00augustus 5th, 2021|Mediaan blog|

Thievery often happens in places like storage areas or depots, as they provide easy access to hundreds of items in one location. Plus, many of these facilities are not adequately secured, allowing thieves to slip in and out unnoticeably. Merely placing security surveillance is often not a good enough solution. Envision having an intelligent [...]

COVID-19 Data Crawler: Making Predictions With Data Scraped From The Internet

2023-10-19T10:41:44+01:00juli 28th, 2021|Mediaan blog|

The corona-virus (COVID-19) outbreak has affected the lives of millions, the businesses we rely upon, and the way we live our life. The internet is full of relevant data accumulated over the last 2 years. Wouldn't it be great if all of this available data is used to understand the situation better and know [...]

Data Entry Automation: Capturing Data From Different Templates

2023-10-19T10:43:21+01:00juli 22nd, 2021|Mediaan blog|

Learning both software engineering and artificial intelligence during your internship? Yes, at Mediaan Conclusion, it's possible! Our aim is to provide an environment where students work on real-life use cases and develop their hard and soft skills simultaneously. In this blog, we highlight one of our internship projects that resulted in a working product [...]

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