AI-Powered Productivity: 7 Ways To Accomplish More, Better, Faster & In A More Enjoyable Way

2024-05-02T08:40:57+01:00mei 1st, 2024|Mediaan blog|

Productivity goes beyond completing tasks quickly, it encompasses much more, including the quality of the work produced and the enjoyment derived from the process. In this blog, we explore seven different ways to use AI to improve your daily work experience. Join us in redefining productivity and discover how you can use AI to [...]

Mediaan Conclusion Frühlingskonferenz 2024

2024-04-30T08:28:43+01:00april 30th, 2024|Mediaan news|

This year, our Frühlingskonferenz was hosted on April 26 at the Van der Valk Airporthotel in Düsseldorf. It featured amazing speakers who shared their insights around the theme "ALL ABOUT AI", highlighting the changing landscape of artificial intelligence. In the evening, we enjoyed a wonderful get-together with our customers and colleagues with refreshing drinks, [...]

Smart Solutions, Smarter Insights: A Customer-centric Approach to AI

2024-04-09T08:01:04+01:00april 9th, 2024|Mediaan blog|

In today's fast-paced digital world, companies are constantly looking for ways to improve the customer experience. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as an essential tool for this mission, providing deep insights into customer behavior and driving strategic decision-making. Businesses across all industries have realized the value of customer data in refining their operations, enhancing [...]

Data Governance: The Backbone of Successful Data Projects

2024-03-15T09:28:28+01:00maart 15th, 2024|Mediaan blog|

When we talk about the tech world, there's a phrase that doesn't get the spotlight as much as it should: data governance. This term might not sound as exciting as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML), but it's the backbone of successful data projects. Why is data governance a big deal [...]

How Can AI Bring Changes to the Healthcare Sector?

2024-03-12T08:45:48+01:00maart 12th, 2024|Mediaan blog|

Healthcare in Europe is reaching a point where major changes are becoming increasingly necessary. The sector is facing several challenges that may affect the quality of healthcare in hospitals and clinics. Examples include insufficient medical staff, a growing number of elderly people requiring more care, rising costs and the need to smoothly integrate technology [...]

The Role of AI in Supporting Care-Dependent Seniors at Home

2024-02-29T10:00:18+01:00februari 28th, 2024|Mediaan news|

We're excited to share insights from our latest collaborative project with Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, the Visi-Age project. The goal of this initiative was to investigate how artificial intelligence can improve the quality of life for seniors who rely on care. This project brought together three teams of students from diverse study [...]

Mediaan Conclusion Launch 2024 Event: Intelligent Future

2024-02-21T22:49:54+01:00februari 21st, 2024|Mediaan news|

On Friday, the 9th of February 2024, we organized our annual internal Launch event at the beautiful Château St Gerlach, focusing on the theme "Intelligent Future". We kicked off the event by warmly welcoming our colleagues with delicious lunch snacks and drinks. We then made our way to the plenary hall, where our international [...]

Embracing Growth: A Journey From Argentina to Germany

2024-02-07T20:58:13+01:00februari 7th, 2024|Mediaan blog|

What was intended as a short-term stay in Germany turned into a journey of personal and professional growth. In this blog interview, we sit down with Ileana Boero, a Senior Consultant at Mediaan Conclusion, who shares her unique experience of moving from Argentina to Germany. Join us as we explore Ileana's reasons for relocation, [...]

Four Key Trends in AI and Data Science for 2024

2024-01-26T09:25:36+01:00januari 23rd, 2024|Mediaan blog|

Artificial intelligence and data science became front-page news in 2023, largely due to the surge in generative AI technologies, which captivated widespread attention. Looking ahead to the rest of 2024, the big question is: what new developments will AI and data science bring, and how will they continue to change the business landscape and transform [...]

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