Future-Proof: Modernization Of Legacy Systems

2020-05-25T13:48:04+01:00Mai 17th, 2019|Mediaan blog|

An outdated IT landscape is one of the largest barriers to digital transformation within any organization. Even though the definition of Legacy IT varies between organizations, outdated technology simply no longer meets the needs of the modern (mobile) user. Legacy IT is costly and lacks agility. More importantly, Legacy IT stands in the way [...]

The Fear Of Adopting Data Science Solutions

2019-12-13T15:36:16+01:00April 25th, 2019|Mediaan Talks|

In recent years, companies like Google, Facebook and Netflix have been in the headlines for developing groundbreaking machine learning algorithms. While this is fascinating, it can create the illusion, that only these huge multinationals can provide viable machine learning solutions. It is feasible to use data science to have a tangible impact on a much [...]

AI In The Legal World

2019-12-14T13:21:01+01:00April 24th, 2019|Mediaan Talks|

The legal world is a field where technology, let alone high-end artificial intelligence, has yet to strive. When people think of artificial intelligence and law, they often think of robot judges or even robotic law enforcement. While in reality, artificial intelligence offers support for lawyers, assisting them in tedious and time-consuming tasks, to allow them [...]

Mediaan 50 years. Happy birthday to ourselves!

2020-05-25T13:55:57+01:00April 1st, 2019|Mediaan news|

This is not an April fools' prank. Today, Mediaan reached the magical number of 50 years. Happy birthday to ourselves! "In 1969, a marketing communication company was founded in Heerlen. Now, 50 years later, Mediaan is an International IT company with almost 100 colleagues and AI as our fastest growing business. What hasn’t changed in [...]

Putting AI In Human Resource

2019-12-14T13:15:39+01:00März 27th, 2019|Mediaan Talks|

From algorithms and models that bring more complex insights into the hiring process, to chatbots that can revolutionize communication and information sharing, to recommender systems that ensure the right matches; the applications of AI in HR are as diverse as they are effective, all in order to initiate and maintain successful, long-lasting, and happy employer-employee [...]

Launch 2019

2020-05-25T13:56:09+01:00Februar 14th, 2019|Mediaan news|

What a great day! We look back on a successful Launch event 2019. This year's theme: 50 years of rocking the universe. In 1969, Apollo 11 landed the first people on the moon and - maybe more important - Mediaan was established. Now, 50 years later, we still make giant leaps for our customers.Launch eventDuring the [...]

Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google walk into a bar..

2019-12-14T15:11:17+01:00Januar 16th, 2019|Mediaan Talks|

In the spring of this year, Apple went on a hiring spree to boost Siri’s performances, particularly focusing on employees that could build smarter virtual assistants. In the virtual assistant world, a serious fight for dominance has emerged between Apple, Amazon and Google. Not investing means lagging behind the competitors in this quickly emerging field. [...]

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