The Microsoft HoloLens As Your Maintenance Assistant

2020-05-25T13:45:30+01:00November 21st, 2019|Mediaan blog|

How can the Microsoft HoloLens assist maintenance engineers in their daily jobs? Imagine an unexpected maintenance where the engineer on-site does not possess the knowledge on a specific issue. This results in a loss in time & money and bad customer experience because they need the assistance of a more experienced colleague to solve the issue. [...]

Mediaan Supports Personal Development In India

2020-05-25T13:53:48+01:00August 26th, 2019|Mediaan news|

A trip to India to join a Microsoft boot camp training? Sure! When it comes to personal development, we will even cross borders. To become full-stack developers, Max and Ceriel joined the Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer training which took place in India during the 7th till the 28th of April 2019. In this blog, you [...]

Welcome To Mediaan!

2020-05-25T13:54:19+01:00Juli 25th, 2019|Mediaan news|

Such a good thing to see new faces at Mediaan! This time around, Mediaan is happy to welcome six new talents to the team. Please welcome Hermann Ritter, Kurt Schraepen, Alessio Costa, Luc Bams, Krist Shingjergji and Cédric Sterckx! For our office in Hasselt, Kurt is joining the team as a senior software developer, together [...]

Sign Up For AI Meet-Up At!

2020-05-25T13:51:12+01:00Juli 22nd, 2019|Mediaan news|

In the past few years, Automated Machine Learning has become a big topic of conversation. Our AI engineer, Valentin Calomme, will be presenting this topic during The Latest in AI meet-up at Valentin will discuss what Automated Machine Learning is and what is currently available for developers; for instance, SMAC, BOHB, Auto-Keras, or even [...]

Cross-Platform Frameworks: Flutter vs React Native

2020-07-31T11:15:14+01:00Juli 9th, 2019|Mediaan blog|

Traditional native development entails developing two codebases; one for iOS and one for Android. This means creating different codes for different platforms, which usually results in higher development costs. Hallelujah for cross-platform development frameworks! Developers only develop and maintain one code base. This one code base can be further packaged into an iOS native app [...]

Mixed-Reality Karting Project

2019-12-14T12:09:26+01:00Mai 28th, 2019|Mediaan news|

At Mediaan, we are continuously looking at possibilities of technology and how we can create new experiences and improvements for every business. In collaboration students from PXL Hogeschool and Karting Genk last year, we created a prototype which acts as a personal coach that you can wear during karting. We had the opportunity to [...]

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

2020-05-25T13:47:53+01:00Mai 27th, 2019|Mediaan blog|

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming countless business practices and automating decision-making processes. In addition to that, it often improves the performance of humans tasked with the same assignment. We have seen this in various fields of logistics, customer care, planning and insurance. However, healthcare seems to be that one domain where the road to [...]

Hello New Medianers!

2020-05-25T13:54:47+01:00Mai 23rd, 2019|Mediaan news|

As Mediaan continues to grow, so does the size of our family! We are excited to welcome new members to the team! Please meet Raf, Kim, Camiel, Amakora, Kelly , Roy and Agita. Raf is our Software Architect/Business Analyst, who is working from our office in Belgium. Kim is a new member of our HR [...]

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