Why Agile Transformation Sometimes Fails

2023-10-19T10:00:53+01:00September 1st, 2022|Mediaan blog|

With your teams already working according to Scrum, becoming Agile should be easy, right? Moreover, the managers in your company are leadership professionals who regularly coach employees on self-leadership and self-reflection. Your company structure is lean and highly flexible. You have everything you need to undergo an agile transformation. Unfortunately, it's not working. What [...]

Keyword Spotting – Efficiently Dealing with Speech Data

2023-10-19T10:01:31+01:00August 4th, 2022|Mediaan blog|

From Siri to Cortana to Alexa, voice assistants are rapidly becoming part of everyday life. But have you ever wondered how these voice assistants know that you're talking to them? The answer is that you simply call them by their name. Now you may be wondering how that is even possible. That's where Keyword Spotting [...]

Behind the Scenes: Electric Vehicle Charging Station Hotspots App

2023-10-19T10:24:20+01:00Juli 26th, 2022|Mediaan blog|

In Germany, the number of electric vehicle charging points has increased from about 1,500 to more than 44,000 in 8 years. Despite this significant growth, there are still large gaps and low coverage in some areas. This has adversely affected the usability and adoption of electric vehicles. To address these issues, initiatives and funding [...]

Mediaan Launch 2022

2022-06-28T08:20:25+01:00Juni 27th, 2022|Mediaan news|

On Wednesday 15th of June 2022, we organized our annual Launch event in the beautiful Château St. Gerlach. This year was an internal event with the theme “JOINING FORCES” to celebrate becoming one company together with Conclusion Zuyd. Joining forces The day was all about enjoying some food & drinks and getting inspired by [...]

Mediaan & Conclusion Zuyd – Joining Forces Together

2023-10-19T10:26:48+01:00Juni 15th, 2022|Mediaan news|

It is official! Mediaan and Conclusion Zuyd have recently joined forces together as one company under the new name "Mediaan Conclusion". By combining our expertises in IT and Consultancy services, we will become the leading IT service provider in the South of the Netherlands and a relevant player in the Euregio (NL, DE, [...]

Mediaan Conclusion Spring Conference 2022

2023-10-19T10:28:12+01:00Mai 12th, 2022|Mediaan news|

After a long wait, Mediaan Conclusion could finally organize its annual Spring Conference (Frühlingskonferenz) on May 6 at the Van der Valk hotel in Düsseldorf. Approximately 200 guests were present at the event. This year's conference covered the exciting topic of "Reality vs. virtual worlds: How do Metaverse & Co. work and how do [...]

Blog Interview: How to Tackle Data Scarcity in Speech Translation

2023-10-19T10:30:18+01:00Februar 23rd, 2022|Mediaan blog|

Thanks to Speech Translation (ST) technology, the task of translating speech in a source language into text in a target language is possible! Unfortunately, traditional cascaded ST approaches using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Machine Translation (MT) are prone to errors propagations. Due to that, end-to-end ST has recently been gaining more popularity instead. [...]

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