The Bright Future of Flutter

2023-10-19T09:32:36+01:00April 19th, 2023|Mediaan blog|

Flutter is a cross-platform framework that has quickly become one of the most popular choices for developers since its release in 2017. With billions of smartphones being used worldwide, apps have become the center of our daily routines. In the race of creating the most user-friendly and efficient cross-platform apps, Flutter stands out as [...]

Introducing You to the New CEO of Mediaan Conclusion

2023-10-19T09:37:51+01:00Februar 8th, 2023|Mediaan news|

Recently, Mediaan Conclusion underwent an important managerial change. After more than 9 years serving as CEO of the company, Joachim Depper (right) stepped down and handed over his position to his colleague and former Director of Mediaan NL Elmer Nelis (left), who is now the new CEO of Mediaan Conclusion. Joachim will continue to work [...]

Unlocking the Power of NLP: Can ChatGPT Benefit Your Organization?

2023-10-19T09:39:03+01:00Februar 8th, 2023|Mediaan blog|

In today's fast-paced and data-driven world, organizations are constantly seeking ways to boost productivity and creativity to deal with labor shortages. One technology that is gaining popularity in this regard is Natural Language Processing (NLP) and, in particular, ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. In response, Google has announced its own version [...]

Looking Back On Our Successful Event „The Future is Now“

2023-10-19T09:57:45+01:00Oktober 19th, 2022|Mediaan news|

How do you become a frontrunner in a world where technological advances are increasing exponentially? To answer that question, we organized the "Mediaan Conclusion - The Future is Now" event on Wednesday, October 12, at the Château St. Gerlach Paviljoen. It was an inspiring session with interesting keynotes. From André Kuipers' take on revolutionary [...]

Accurately Detecting Objects Using Oriented Object Detection

2023-10-19T09:59:30+01:00Oktober 14th, 2022|Mediaan blog|

Several years ago, finding and classifying individual objects within an image was an extremely difficult task. Today, digital devices, using computer vision object detection, can easily and quickly identify the contents of images. This enables new ways of visual data understanding and analysis in various industries. Despite its advantages, traditional object detection can be [...]

How to Successfully Build an Agile Culture

2023-10-19T10:00:14+01:00September 15th, 2022|Mediaan blog|

Remember our previous blog on why agile transformation sometimes fails? By now you may already know that the reason behind the problem often lies in the approach or assumption itself. People tend to forget that agile transformation is not about a plannable transition from one destination to another, but a transition from a known state [...]

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