Are you familiar with Netflix recommendations, Google Search, and the concept of self-driving cars, but have no idea how they actually work? Don’t worry! Our Mediaan talks help you understand how some of these famous applications work and show you how to generate business value using AI.

Do you want to stay relevant and learn about the newest technologies? We’ve got you covered with our expertise blogs! Get also inspired by our “The life of…” series to find out what it’s like to work at Mediaan Conclusion.

Last but not least, follow our latest news to stay up-to-date on relevant information from us!



Ever wondered how artificial intelligence and machine learning can create business value for your organization?

With these vlogs, we want to discuss famous AI applications, outline use cases for different markets, and cover different technologies that can help you generate more business value.

Like our videos and want to learn more? We are more than happy to get in touch with you and help you plan the next step on your journey to embedding AI into your business!

3 Reason To Start Using Digital Agents

Digital agents offer various possibilities to increase the performance of a customer contact centre (hereinafter CCC). Advantages [...]

The History of AI (3/3)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be the next big thing. Nowadays, it is impossible to avoid the [...]

The History of AI (2/3)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be the next big thing. Nowadays, it is impossible to avoid the [...]

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Six Building Blocks Behind Successful AI-powered Operations

In this third edition of our series on AI-powered Operations (AIOps), we take a closer look at the technical components that form the foundation of a successful AIOps project. They are crucial in enabling [...]

AI-Powered Operations: Making Sense of Big Data in Real-Time

In today's complex business landscape, things are moving faster, stakes are higher and the need for quick decision-making is of utmost importance. As business owners work their way through complex operations, the fusion of AI [...]

Living & Working In The Netherlands As An Expat

Ever wondered what it's like to embark on an adventure to the land of stroopwafels, King's Day and bicycles? Discover the expat life in the Netherlands through the eyes of Ivans Mihailovs. In this [...]

Build Your Own Custom ChatGPT Bot: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're delving into the realm of ChatGPT, you may find yourself disappointed that it's unable to answer questions about your own business or documentation. Don’t worry! In this easy-to-follow guide, we will show [...]

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Looking Back On Our Successful Event “The Future is Now”

How do you become a frontrunner in a world where technological advances are increasing exponentially? To answer that question, we organized the "Mediaan Conclusion - The Future is Now" event on Wednesday, October 12, [...]

Mediaan Conclusion Launch 2022

On Wednesday 15th of June 2022, we organized our annual Launch event in the beautiful Château St. Gerlach. This year was an internal event with the theme “JOINING FORCES” to celebrate becoming one company [...]

Mediaan & Conclusion Zuyd – Joining Forces Together

It is official! Mediaan and Conclusion Zuyd have recently joined forces together as one company under the new name "Mediaan Conclusion". By combining our expertises in IT and Consultancy services, we will become [...]

Mediaan Conclusion Spring Conference 2022

After a long wait, Mediaan Conclusion could finally organize its annual Spring Conference (Frühlingskonferenz) on May 6 at the Van der Valk hotel in Düsseldorf. Approximately 200 guests were present at the event. This [...]

A Collaborative Project with Hogeschool PXL

Building intelligent and data-driven software requires Mediaan Conclusion to stay on top of the latest technologies and trends. Having close relationships with universities in the region helps Mediaan Conclusion to keep providing innovative solutions [...]

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Whether you like to discuss your idea or need help finding your solution.

Contact us!